Hello Port Townsend!


Getting towed to Port Townsend for haulout

Coming into Port Townsend mid-evening
We are onto the next stage of getting ready for the next stages. Cascadia is in Port Townsend awaiting haulout. We will be in Boat Haven to finish re-powering, re-wiring, re-rigging, re-modeling, re-everything-ing. 

Port Townsend and Boat Haven are more amazing than we ever imagined. As we were getting towed into dock, we were greeted by loads of boat tenants, invited to check out their similar installations. And then, two slips away was another Formosa 46, SV Grace

We will be landlubbing for the next six months, so that we can tear into boat projects without having to worry about clearing a space to cook dinner and sleep. Stay tuned...


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